Friday, November 2, 2007


Caribou on Tuesday night was phenom and also educational.
I learned a few things:

  1. More bands should have two drummers
  2. Drummers should more frequently be up front
  3. A sheet and light show can really kick it up a notch.
  4. Even if you are tired and have already had two fun-filled nights and it is only Tuesday and you are thinking that maybe you should just stay home and sleep... resist the what you are missing could be as genius as Dan Snaith (and not just because he has his doctorate in math from Cambridge- so I learned from LastFM).

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PK's BDay Fun!

PK's BDay Fun!
BFF aeaeaeaeae

Lightbright part deux

Lightbright part deux
XMas Styles


Yes I am 24 and I enjoy playing with a lightbright.

Golden Halloween

Golden Halloween
Trophy tops

3D Glasses are cool