1.Q: Every word with a “Q” in it is awesome. Enough said.
2. U: Q’s retarded stepsister, it gets no attention or credit.
3. G: By far the most fun letter to write. Uppercase or Lower.
4. M: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
5. B: For boobs. My favorite thing in the entire world.
Dana’s List
5) A~ Definitely my vowel of choice, I don’t usually put that little hood on it when I hand write it out though-> a ...and yes I call it a hood, like the letter a is wearing a hoodie.
4) V ~ Probably the most intimidating letter. Vain, Vindictive, Victory, Vendetta, Voluptuous. V is all, “look, I am not fucking around this is how I roll” and everyone else is like “yeah that’s cool” (but secretly, “fuck, V is scary shit man”)
3) S ~ SEXY! -need I say more....well I will...It slithers like a snake, brings to mind the sensation of hands salaciously exploring my body. (side bar, why isn’t there a font called SEXY? I think I may have found my calling)
2) Y ~ A result of that family guy where all the other vowels hate Y”.
1) D ~ Probably the Letter that I consciously write most frequently (having two in my name). I always think of the letter D as flowing like water not stiff or rigid like some of the other letters.
Pia’s List
I going to, (surprise!) use family guy as my reference: So absolute favourite letters the vowels- A E I O U : And the reason for why they're my favourite letters: because they hate Y for the reason that he is a phony, plays both sides of the alphabet, and only sometimes commits to being a vowel. Delta house motto- "GO BIG or go home" we don't like doing things half ass- and Y is a half ass vowel. Which is why I have come to the conclusion that A E I O U are the best letters within the english alphabet :-)

Tamara’s List
1. K - I like the randomness
2. W - symmetry
3. Y - fun to say
4. X - is a bit naughty
5. T - I like my name
Kevin's List
5. q. small q. it’s just better than capital Q.
4. W. why u when there is a double-u!
3. X. such a simple letter, and yet so (Dana's comment: Kevin did not finish his thought here. Way to leave us hanging!)
My top 2 will be from the Greek alphabet, because it’s just wicked! And also because we never use it (obviously) so its, how to say, more "exotic" than the plain old English alphabet!! Some of you may wonder, "why the hell is this guy using the Greek alphabet...the challenge should only be the English alphabet.." well I say, that’s great. It’s still an alphabet, and the challenge email didn’t say anything about what alphabet we have to choose our favourite letters from!!
2. θ. Theta. Sounds sweet. Looks sweet. It gets used a lot in mathematics which is where I’ve been exposed to it the most.
1. ψ. Psi. This would have to be by far my favourite letter. It just so happens to be the symbol of the Greek god Poseidon!! I’m sure we all know what he is the god of...and if you don’t...go look it up....please.
Ok, so - I can't make it 5. Crap. Tamara and I had this conversation about her friend Greg tonight, who apparently is a pseudo-genius but always hands in his stuff like two weeks late because he "doesn't think creativity works that way". Fully appreciating how wonderful and hilarious that is, I have decided my creativity doesn't really work in fives tonight. I can only come up with four.
1) d
2) g
3) h
4) j
I think these letters are long and luxurious to write.
Ange's List
1. A - my first initial, and I like the shape, it reminds me of a person standing proud with feet spread out and hands in hips
2. R - I like the way it sounds, also its generally the last sound that children master pronunciation of.
3. W - very prominent shape, it draws you eyes, (shouldn't it be called double V?)
4. E - It looks progressive, as if the three lines are indicating that it is moving forward.
5. I pretty much like all of them except L and K because I don’t like the way they look when i write them.
Ben’s List
5 best letters in the alphabet:
I thought of this today when I was walking to work stepping along to somesam roberts thinking to myself what would we do without music? I can’t begin to answer that question, and for that these five simple letters of complicated proportions get my props as the best five.
Ellisa’s List
1. E, of course. I always have had an affinity for things that start with the letter E. I always loved Eeyore best, wanted Erkel to get with Laura (Family Matters) and was willing to try strange foods as a child like escargo, eggplant and edible undies (kidding on that last one. I actually discovered the pair from our first ladies nightat Skybar under my bed when we were moving.)
2. Y. A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y. That Family Guy bit is one of my most memorable for sure. I remember laughing so hard that it becamse uncomfortable (trying so hard to keep form peeing my pants andremembering to breath).
3. F. I love this letter because I have a thing for underdogs. I feel like F is underappreciated. It has become almost synonomous with Fuck (What the f? Who the f does he think he is? You gotta be fing kidding me!). Poor F. It has so much to offer, like food, feminism, fabulous, frolicking, flirting, facetious (and Laura's contribution:Farm Animal)
4. H. I love handwriting H's. i remember as a kid (when learning cursive), handwriting H's over and over again because I thought they were so pretty. And I will always love Heath. He was my first celebrity, girlhood crush. *Sigh*
5. C. C is a fav for a few reasons. Firstly, I am a proud Calder. Contributing to this affinity is the years of public education where having a last name that came at the beginning of the alphabet was a huge bonus. Secondly, C is the third letter of the alphabet and 3 sis my cosmic number. My life is filled with 3s and multiples of 3s (especially 9s), I swear. It's weird that I have this strong feeling for the number 3 because I am a content athiest. But the cosmic energy is there...weird and very true.
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