I expected more from Canada- why are we perpetuating this America's lapdog behaviour? Our relationship is reminiscent of a shotgun toting hick who returns from the town bar, highly inebriated who boots his dog as it greets him, tail-wagging at the door. My point is that Arnold's visit was the top news story each day last week as he worked his way across this country. This is a man who frequently uses, "I'll Be Back" in his political addresses I'm sorry but are we living in a futuristic movie where robots have taken over?... because I am starting to believe this is a reality that I can more easily accept. Movie cliché's have no place in politics; this is real life, we are real people and have real problems. It is not time for make-believe.
Or is it?
"Technology will save us." This statement became his visit's second contentious issue for me. Technology will save us - because in practice this solution has been working really well. Isn't the very problem he is fighting a result of technology? If technology were so all-powerful wouldn't there be solutions to global problems such as World Hunger and Cancer? We have been pumping money into them for an awfully long time. This attitude reads like a copout answer from someone who is wearing the green suit but not willing to live the green lifestyle. We should be demanding more from our representatives, and shaming Arnold for his poor behaviour - not championing the few things he gets right. California is a contender for the worst air quality in North America, meaning Arnold is doing precisely what he has been elected to do. We don't pat the mail man on the ass every morning when he gets the letter in the right slot.
The third thing that caught my interest was the questions posed to the "Green" California Governor about his collection of Hummers. Now, I know that California has a large amount of rugged terrain and enemy insurgence so a Hummer is a necessity, but five Hummers? Yes, I heard you when you said that one of them runs on biofuel and smells like French fries (are you allowed to call them "French" fries again?) and that two others are also energy efficient, but five Hummers!? You have been making valiant efforts to clean up the air but what about keeping garbage out if the landfills? I am no expert, but I am fairly certain that needless consumption is not environmentally friendly.
Arnold: What kind of message do you think this conspicuous consumption is sending to the people of California?
You have gained this highly influential position it is your responsibility to set a good example for the nation to follow. If the environmental problems we face were encapsulated in a box of Smarties, then only solving the problem of emissions is like tossing out all the green ones, which comprise only one eighth of the crisis. I am not saying that what he is doing is not a good thing, but rather that reducing emissions alone is not enough, and I am sure he has a team of advisors that have told him that.
His disregard for sustainable living causes me to wonder if he is actually interested in the environment or if this is just a sensational way to get his already famous name back in lights. If you are not willing to give up your vehicle, which serves no purpose other than to solidify your image, you are not dedicated to the cause and you do not deserve praise, nor a snappy nickname.
So, my fellow Canadians: Do not accept his half-assed measures. We are more than that and should be demanding more. Let the politicians schmooze and drool over him. That is their job.
Our job is to keep them in check- making him feel loved will certainly not bring about the necessary actions for a more sustainable planet. I urge you all to look deep inside yourselves, before it is too late, and ask, "What Would David Suzuki Do?"
So, I decided to look up some great Arnold clips and I managed to find this nice compilation of his accomplishments. Also, I came upon this collection of some dudes Favourite Movie Quotes. I am also including this comment from DoctorMeatDic who reviewed it: " These are the shittest movie quotes of all time. You haven't a clue, you fucking clown."
I thought that was a little harsh. But I love "clown" as a mock, it reminds me of Bretty.
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