Friday, July 27, 2007

This Week's Challenge: Slogans for Gold Bond

Existing Slogans applied to:
Gold Bond Medicated Powder

Ben’s List:

1. Gets odours out. (Oust air spray)
2. Just do it. (Nike)
3. Is it in you? (Gatorade)
4. For all you do, this buds for you. (Budweiser)
5. Tastes awful. But it works. (I’m sure Gold Bond would taste bad-Buckley's)

Dana’s List

5. Made from the best stuff on earth (Snapple)
4. Don’t leave home without it (American Express)
3. The best part of waking up (Foldgers)
2. Kills Bugs Dead (Raid)
1. Think outside the bun--ions (Taco Bell)

Gerry’s List

1. When the itch's a bitch... use Gold Bond Medicated Powder.
2. Gold Bond... not recommended for people under 65.
3. Gold Bond... you don't know what’s in it... and neither do we!
4. If you’re feeling wet and cold... keep out the mould... use Gold Bond Medicated Powder! - (I'm making the assumption here that the product in question is actually used for overly moist areas... all I know is that a lot of old people generally have crevices that require Gold Bond treatment... working in a hospital unfortunately teaches you these things)
5. Gold Bond.... it feels good on your balls.

Tamara’s List

5. It's so easy to use no wonder it's number one (AOL) 4. Because I'm worth it (L'Oreal) 3. Touching is good. (Nintendo DS) 2. Let your fingers do the walking (Yellow Pages) 1. The freshmaker! (Mentos)

Tracey’s List

1) Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's Gold Bond.
2) Shouldn't your baby be a Gold Bond baby?
3) Gold Bond: Over 3 Billion Served.
4) Gold Bond: That was Easy!
5) Silly Rabbit, Gold Bond is for kids!

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