okay, i'm sorry. please forgive. i have to break the rules a little bit this week. my espionage resulted in very little that was interesting. just some stupid wrestlers at sfu talking about how they gained 35 pounds over the summer. so, i'm going to relay an even that i happened upon, which wasn't really eavesdropping so much as coming into something a little too late.
codi and i were riding our bikes to the dairy queen on main street to meet some friends, and we had just passed sophia on 13th when we heard, "OH MY GOD! HE'S ACTUALLY DOING IT. AND I SAW HIS UNDERWEAR (giggle) I SAW CHRIS IN HIS UNDERWEAR!" so sure enough, we bike by and see our friend chris behind the dumpster in the dairy queen parking lot, pants laying on the ground (ew) with his foot in a pair of hot pink skinny jeans. and he looked high off his kite (turns out he's just going through a major existential crisis like marky mark in i <3>... he's young...). if these had been people i didn't know, it would have been about 100 times funnier, but really, i wasn't all that surprised. we did, however spend our dairy queen time sitting outside with chris wearing hot pink jeans, hot pink chucks, a red tshirt and lindsay's red cardigan which was about 3 times too small. and eating a cotton candy blizzard. right on.
"I feel like I'm studying to become a fucking priest!"
(This was an overheard conversation between Kevin and Dana)
"You know what... I never liked Tequila in Canada, but when I went to Mexico I loved Tequila. And the strangest thing, now that In Canada again.... I don't like Tequila anymore! Isn't that weird?" - Quote from girl in line at Vancouver Space Centre. To get the full effect of this beauty you have to read it 10x faster than normal with a pitch that rivals a dolphin's. I think it made my ears bleed.
The only conversation that I recently overhead that caused me ears to perk is not challenge-esque. (It was a man recounting a story of how his daughter's boyfriend recently broke his spine and may be a quadriplegic.)
So I am instead, I will recount my seeings while walking to the Skytrain yesterday to pick Dana up.
- Old skinny man wearing Birkenstocks, blue Speedo, coke-bottle glass and safari hat selling books titled "Wreck Beach"
- Man dressed as Johnny Depp (aka pirate) minus the fun beads in the dreadlocks, sword, smell and disgustingly handsome face.
- Old woman dressed in hot pink: hot pink trench coat, hot pink 80's high heels, hot pink umbrella, hot pink sun hat, hot pink lipstick (most likely on teeth as well), and a hot pink 80s vest with large fake gold buttons.
- Portly woman with gelled hair (tight pony tail and cement curls), spray-on jeans, large white puffy jacket (zipped up even though it was warm enough for shorts yesterday), I am guessing fake nails, and the pinnacle of the outfit, which is what caught my wandering eye in the first place, her strawberry milkshake (or weak Pepto Bismo) colored lips prominently outlined with a thick chocolate (or poo) brown line. Nice. When did the early gangsta 90's come back?
**Note: E- I tried so hard to find a pictorial representation of the Pepto coloured lips with poo brown liner but was unsuccessful.
The 20.
Every day the 20 brings new horrors to my life, and Thursday afternoon was specifically traumatic. I sat down in the front of the very packed bus after work, in the seats facing me were two construction workers, they were talking about the upcoming Canucks season, and were trying to pull me into their conversation.
One of the men decided to tell me about how he screwed up his finger when he was interrupted by a small Asian woman who told him that he should get up and give an another older Asian woman his seat. He proceeded to tell the woman to “FUCK OFF” and questioned her as to why she only chastised him when nobody else had offered either. The woman was taken aback, as was I, she stammered that he should know better, the older Asian woman was also embarrassed by the display and assured the younger lady that she didn’t need a seat.
Mouth agape, my neck craned upward, I, by this point, was horribly mortified by the man’s behaviour and concerned that those around me would assume I was associated with these guys who had acted like such buffoons. I took my ipod and book out of my bag and retreated to the safety of antisocial anonymity.
This is the senario:
This girl is talking with her chick friend while holding both a copy of that days Metro and one of 24 (as if those two actually have any information in them that differs). Her friend says "wow, you read sure read alot of papers.." and the girl responds "Yeah, well you know I think it is important to stay informed, I read both of these everyday."
Now I am not going to go into how incorrect this statement is, but out of curiosity I take a glance at what exactly this chick is reading about in these two astounding pieces of literature, and she has both of them open to the section on the endevours of people in hollywood. Unbelieveable.
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